Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Blog Atlast


Huh! Finally I succeded in making a blog for myself. Aah! It was a very difficult task, not that I am not well versed with computers or blogging, but that the names which I had selected for my blog were already taken up. Can u believe I am trying since past one and half month. Whatever name I wanted, was not available. It was quiet irritating as some had just made a blog and left. They were just not using it. Sooooo bad. I was really fed up with this name keeping ceremony. Being a scorpion I am very adamant and just cannot keep any name for its sake. So was just trying and trying and trying.

At last I thought, everyone’s life starts through their mom. So y not start a blog through my mom itself. Now, got it why I kept my blog name “MY SONPARI”. Yup my mom is my sonpari. And to my luck this name was available also. So good na. Well I just felt like celebrating so I made Shahi Tukda for myself and everyone else in the family. To confess one thing, no one likes it the most as much as I myself like, that’s why I prepared it. Major part of it will go in my tummy. (no dieting here) LOL.

Well friends, a lil’ about me now. That will help you to know me better and surf my blog conveniently. I am an experi‘Mental’ person. I love to experiment, be it cooking, crocheting ( I am a die-hard crocheter), travelling or just anything. I am one sort of a crazy person just following my heart.

So now about my blog. Never thought in first place that I will ever blog. But wanted to connect with the people and the future generation that is about to come. This will help them to know me even when I am gone. My blog site is not just a recipe or crocheting patterns site, it’s a general site wherein I’ll be posting whatever little good things I come across in my life. With all the terrorism and negativities around, I just wanna share some goodness with others in a hope that others will pass it on to a few more others.


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